The Ttile...The Name...The Photo...

So I feel it's necessary to explain the names I chose for the blog, myself, and the photo so you all can better understand me as a person and the tone of the blog.

The Blog Title

I chose the title because I am thoughtful and I am a man. LOL I know that sounds simple, but my thought process behind it was very complex, I wanted something that wouldn't mislead searchers or readers. I needed a title that would intrigue the masses just enough to gt a click to visit the blog. I desired a title that was clean, and easy to bring up in conversation despite the setting or type of people. When I ran across the adjective "thoughtful" it jumped out at me because I have been described as a very thoughtful individual. Thoughfulness is one characteristic I pride myself in displaying towards others, especially since being thoughtful seems to be a lost asset amongst the current populace. Think about, who doesn't like a thoughtful man? Who is more mysterious, yet alluring than a thoughtful man? Thoughtful men are the apex predators of this jiggy jungle we live in. They come off as easy pickings and are discovered to be the deadliest member present. Whether cold and calculating or warm and inviting thoughtful men are well respected and regarded as the most important people in any organized civilization. So with all of that in mind, The Thoughtful Man's Blog became the title.

The Name

The Millennial Solomon is the replacement of the original name I came up with, The Old Soul Millennial. It seemed like too much to say and it didn't roll off of the tongue like I wanted my pseudonym to roll. I am an old soul, anyone who knows me can attest to that fact. As you will find, most of my views and opinions will be rooted in or carry an air of the "old skool". However, I'm a millennial by birth and some of my beliefs and attitudes do reflect that aspect of my being. So, I needed a name that I could use that would sum those two facets up into a crisp, cool, classy name. I searched synonyms for "old soul" and found a list of 43 terms that could be used in the place of "old soul". As I perused the list the name Solomon was on the list, which caught my attention. King Solomon is one of my favorite people in The Bible, as God favored him and granted him wisdom and wealth. Even with all the riches, favor and wisdom, one could ever ask for, Solomon made mistakes and learned some life lessons the hard way. From his first judgment, after he became king to his death, Solomon was righteous in heart and beloved by all of his subjects. So I settled on the name Solomon the Millennial and then flipped the two to finally choose The Millennial Solomon.

The Photo

For starters, I have always loved elephants. one of my favorite memories as a child was riding an elephant at a fair. When I went to circuses the highlight for me was always the elephant act, especially if an African elephant. African elephants are regarded as the oldest and wisest of all creatures. Their wisdom and intelligence are unparalleled to any other creature on the continent. They are mystic creatures and in folklore are said to possess magical powers. It has been observed that elephants are very humanlike especially in the way they display emotions. The paths they travel year after year have been the same for as long as elephants have been in existence. They represent a connection to the past and a responsibility for guiding the future. So aside from being a favorite of mine, elephants represent the very aspects I wish to convey through this blog. The African elephant is a spirit animal of mine as it represents much of m personality So more than likely the profile photo will always be an African elephant.

So as you all can see, I am very thoughtful, symbolic and particular in my decisions. This just a taste of what you can expect from some of my future posts.

Peace, Love, and Blessings,
The Millennial Solomon


  1. Yes I love this! I can't wait to see what else is coming to The M.S.


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